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Sobre o Colégio
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We are very honored and proud that, since 1992, more than 3,000 children and young people have been educated at Colégio do Vale.

In this three-decade journey, we have constantly innovated, grown and challenged ourselves, in a process of continuous improvement focused on the development and teaching of these children and young people, and also based on the learning provided by all of them, and by their families.

We are certain that the experience in the “College do Vale Family” will serve and be remembered for a lifetime, and to those who are part of it, we will always wish much happiness and success.

Eduardo and Teresa Ventura

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Colégio do Vale is a school of excellence that transforms challenges into opportunities and learning into skills for the 21st century and, as such, aims to be recognized as one of the best schools in the country and the first choice of Parents and Guardians in the District of Setúbal.


Colégio do Vale has always pursued an ideal that seeks to make it compatible with life in society and, therefore, promotes an education for difference, an education for change and a globalizing education. The educational practices of Colégio do Vale always aim to be comprehensive, diverse and inclusive and seek to be the result of interactions between all stakeholders, within each area and also between different areas.

The purpose of Colégio do Vale is to promote the full development of students throughout the different stages of their lives, and therefore, it assumes as its mission to provide children and young people with the opportunity to experiment and discover paths with safety and autonomy, in order to form competent, responsible, motivated, autonomous, synergistic, proactive, supportive and, above all, happy students!


All children, young people and adults who are part of the Colégio do Vale community are encouraged to develop and put into practice the values/cultural points that are considered fundamental and that are the DNA of Colégio do Vale.

These are: Commitment; Responsibility; Safety; Integrity; Excellence and Innovation; Communication; Success; Education; Teamwork; Balance; Fun; Autonomy and Freedom; Consistency; and Gratitude.

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projeto educativo


Since its creation, on September 21, 1992, Colégio do Vale has operated as an Integrated School where children and students from Nursery to the 9th Year of Basic Education are found.

As a school that defines itself as a social organization where everyone interacts and has the responsibility to play an active role, all actions carried out by Colégio do Vale are based on the following guiding principles:

- The Student as a subject constructing knowledge

- Autonomy and curricular flexibility

- Diverse learning experiences

- Education for citizenship

- Equality of educational opportunities

- Inclusive Education

- Active participation of families

- Responsible participation of all

Our Educational Project must be an effective response in building a collective consciousness that is more oriented towards the world, towards others and towards the preservation of historical, cultural and environmental heritage.

Colégio do Vale, through its Educational Project, expresses itself as a social organization that builds knowledge that is both individual and collective and that, through the interactions of its internal structure, but also crossing borders, provides significant learning experiences in order to educate intellectually and morally prepared citizens, capable of acting in a competitive world, but also cooperative, tolerant and supportive.


The curricula encompass the set of essential and structuring learning to be developed by STUDENTS, taking as reference the Curricular Guidelines, the essential principles of the MEM – Modern School Movement, in the Nursery and Kindergarten, the Student Profile at the end of Compulsory Schooling, the Social Security Guidelines and the Programs of the Ministry of Education, the Pedagogical and Curricular Matrices, the Skills to be developed in the 21st century and the local and specific characteristics of Colégio do Vale, aiming to adapt them to its context as a School conceived and assumed as an organization with its own identity, with pedagogical autonomy and decision-making power.

Colégio do Vale is committed to the future projection of its Students, aiming that, upon completing Basic Education, they will have developed the Areas of Competence, designated below, which aggregate skills understood as complex combinations of knowledge, abilities and attitudes that allow effective human action in diverse contexts:

- Language and texts

- Information and Communication

- Reasoning and Problem Solving

- Critical thinking and creative thinking

- Interpersonal relationship

- Personal Development and Autonomy

- Well-being, Health and Environment

- Aesthetic and Artistic Sensitivity

- Scientific, Technical and Technological Knowledge

- Body Awareness and Mastery


We want an Educational Community that generates conscious, responsible, supportive, participatory, critical, educated and healthy citizens who collaborate with the various stakeholders in the educational process, which is responsible and conscious and which collaborates in mobilizing efforts so that each person has a human and/or professional space compatible with the functions they perform.

The Educational Community has as direct participants in the educational process, the Students, Parents and/or Guardians, Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff of Colégio do Vale and it is important that everyone knows and participates in the daily construction of our project, in accordance with the inherent responsibilities and skills of each one.

The full version of the Educational Project is available to Guardians on the Inovar consulta platform.



 I listen to those around me: I learn from others, I am polite.



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Protocolos e parcerias
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The College considers it essential to maintain regular communication with the Community and the outside world, which is why it has always established pedagogical/training protocols.

In this sense, the College is recognized by the following Educational Institutions such as:



Internship Center of the following Higher Education Institutions and Universities











Internship Center of the following Secondary Schools and Vocational Training Centers














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